Why Attend?
Meet professionals who are looking to build relationships. Discover job opportunities and connect with top-tier talent.
Are you a best-kept secret, with excellent services or products to offer your ideal clients?
Do you find excuses as to why you have not yet met your target and swear blind that tomorrow will be better, but don't know how to make it so?
Perhaps you are highly skilled and highly motivated, and low in prospects.
Maybe you’ve reached the top, have a long list of clients and you are wondering how you will keep them in 2021.
Do you worry about rejection or taking risks?
Worst Case Scenario
Do any of the above feel alarmingly similar to your situation? The hard to digest fact is, if you risk nothing, you could end up staying the same. Singing the same solemn song, year in, year out, nostalgically watching opportunities pass you by. It’s even worse when deep inside, you know that you can do it and every time you hear the Nike phrase, ‘Just Do It’, you want to scream, ‘I will!’, but mutter internally, ‘I want to’ until the words eventually change into, ‘perhaps I shouldn’t’.
You will gain nothing from doing nothing and we are all in this together. So why not work ... network?
Diane Lurie
Everyone there is generous and open, and clearly wants to help and support each other. Teju creates a very warm and welcoming atmosphere, full of positivity.
Joanne Ford
It was good to attend a networking meeting that had a structure and content. I look forward to attending more meetings. I really enjoyed the presentation on How to Write a Business Blog.
Lisa Sanderson
Teju Chosen's presentation was extremely useful for freelance writers, and, indeed, for any business owner. She offered excellent tips about fears and using social media for your business.
Caroline M
It was a good workshop because it allowed for meet and greet, casual relaxed vibe and good tips.
Andreia Solomon Burke
The workshop lends a positive arena for individuals who are currently in business, and those looking to start a business. Teju is engaging, and shares a lot of her personal experiences which is helpful to learn from.
Roz Andrews
The session was an excellent way of meeting new business contacts and catching up with existing contacts. It was great to get to know new people and find out more about their businesses. It was wonderful to see people I know already and find out how well their businesses are developing. I was impressed by the range of businesses represented and the enthusiasm of everyone taking part.
What's Included?
An interactive, dynamic networking session with an each one, teach one methodology. The first one included a session on editing your own written content by Roz Andrews of RA Writers and Teju will be sharing part of her book, 'How to Get Paid More Than Your Boss' and some social media tips.
Every Thursday from 5 pm to 6 pm BST (UK) | 12 pm pm to 1 pm ET (USA)